Team name | Lineup |
Three sheets to the wind | |
The 3 Stooges | |
Hughson | Skip: Hal Hughson Third: Debbie Hughson |
Cool Cats | Skip: Stephanie Watson Third: Sack Igarashi Second: Anne Lyle Lead: Sheldon Boucher |
The house hunters | |
Three's a Crowd | Skip: Hilary Fisher Third: Andre Germain Second: TBD |
The Sweep Life | |
Sound Curlers | Skip: Leah Thoren Third: Paul Lewis Second: Margareth Vantil |
Sticks n Stones | Skip: John Martin Robson Third: Thomas VICKERSON Second: Mike Wight |
Triple O’s | Skip: Brenda Sims Third: Landis Fortier Second: Eileen Walsh |
Button Mashers | Skip: Kari-Ann MacDonald Third: Drew Brown Second: Heather Chapman |
Sweeping Beauties | Skip: Jamie Van Ymeren Third: Taylor Ward Second: Mathieu Swiderski Alternate: Jacqueline Chapman |